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For PhD students

Doctoral School in the Social Sciences

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Legal Sciences

The PhD program in the field of legal sciences is preparing to obtain a PhD degree in social sciences in the discipline of legal sciences.

The participant of the PhD program in the field of legal sciences realises a modular program offered as part of the Doctoral School in the Social Sciences of the Jagiellonian University, which consists of four modules:

Module 1. Specialist education - selected areas of scientific achievements (legal sciences);

Module 2. Methodological education - methodology of social research;

Module 3. Academic competences - determinants of the development of a scientific career;

Module 4. Professional and soft skills, including preparation for academic work. In addition to those offered under the abovementioned modules of course classes, the PhD student also can confirm the acquisition of the established learning outcomes and as a result of his activities carried out outside the classroom.


As part of the module covering specialist training in legal sciences, the participant of the PhD program is obliged to take part in three seminars:

a doctoral seminar (including individual consultations with the supervisor);

a project (under which the participants carry out a joint research project on the established leading topic);

Moreover, the current "Law of the future" (under which the participants present news regarding their specialisation).  Under this module, the program participant also has the option of implementing an individual or team social or educational project according to the plan approved by the program manager.


Education within the PhD program in the field of legal sciences lasts four years and is conducted in Polish and English. Under the program, a PhD student is required to obtain at least 40 ECTS points, including at least 25 ECTS points during the first two years preceding the mid-term evaluation. The program specifies in detail the minimum points required to obtain in each of the modules mentioned above.

A graduate of the PhD program in the field of legal sciences has specialist knowledge in the field of social sciences in the field of legal science. He is methodically and technically prepared to conduct independent research, as well as scientific and didactic activity in the legal science discipline. He can cooperate with specialists from other scientific disciplines, lead a research team, apply for funds for research, and understands the social and ethical dimension of his activity.