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Interdyscyplinarne spotkanie Centrum Ewaluacji i Analiz Polityk Publicznych UJ / Interdisplinary Seminar of Center for Evaluation and Public Policies Analysis

Interdyscyplinarne spotkanie Centrum Ewaluacji i Analiz Polityk Publicznych UJ / Interdisplinary Seminar of Center for Evaluation and Public Policies Analysis

Centrum Ewaluacji i Analiz Polityk Publicznych UJ zaprasza na kolejne (już III) Interdyscyplinarne Seminarium naukowe w dniu 21.04.2022 (najbliższy czwartek) w godz. 13:30-15:00

Link do spotkania on-line 

Temat spotkania/Topic: Participatory Approaches in Ageing Research : an Overview  

In a broad understanding, participation relates to different kinds of involvement in social practices - including, but not limited to, research practices (Aner, 2016). In application to ageing research, participatory approaches hence refer to different forms of involvement of older adults in research, and is used in this contribution as an umbrella term for different approaches such as citizen sciences (CS), participatory action research (PAR), patient and public involvement (PPI), co-creation, or participatory design (PD). In this contribution I aim to present an overview of participatory approaches applied in ageing research followed by benefits and challenges that results from deploying them. I conclude that we lack a uniform definition of participation in research, as well as a consensus regarding the standards of participatory approaches and argue for further advancements of participatory approaches in ageing research. 

Prelegentka: dr Anna Urbaniak, Institut für Soziologie Universität Wien, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie & Irish Center for Social Gerontology NUIG 

Informacje o Autorce: 

Dr Anna Urbaniak is a social sciences researcher with expertise in spatial aspects of ageing, age-friendly cities and communities, life-course transitions, the re/production of social inequalities across the life course, and participatory approaches in ageing research. Her current work, funded within the framework of the Austrian Science Fund applies a citizen science approach in order to gain insights from socially excluded older adults on their gendered experiences of in- and exclusion from social relations. By facilitating their voices project contributes to navigating research and policy towards more inclusive and adequate designs. Anna is renowned for her work on ageing, mixed-method application, and caregiving in rural communities and has delivered presentations at a number of international symposiums on these topics. She is also a founder of PAAR: Research Network on Participatory Approaches in Ageing Research